Hey guys!
Τoday's topic?
Make up gurus!
Μιας και είμαι συχνή επισκέπτρια του YT σαφώς και σπαταλώ αρκετό χρόνο στα κανάλια των Make up gurus. Ο καθένας είναι ξεχωριστός γι αυτό και ακολουθώ αρκετούς, όμως έχω και τις αδυναμίες μου.
Since I'm a frequent YT visitor, it would be impossible for me to stay away from Make up gurus channels. Every single one is special so I follow a lot, but have some that I particularly like.
Lauren Luke known as Panacea81was one of the first Make up artists I discovered on YT. She succedeed along the way, and it's an insiparation to a lot of people.
Kandee Johnson
She's a mother of four, she's gorgeous, she's loud, gives you amazing tips and has lot of loyal fans.
Lisa Eldridge is one of my favourite make up artists, because apart from the amazing job she does, she keeps her make up simple and fresh.
Koren Zander also known as EnKore Makeup has worked on numerous theatrical productions worldwide and had educated Pros and makeup enthusiasts worldwide, with his seminar tour.
Pixiwoo are 2 sisters , Samantha Chapman an accomplished make-up artist and make-up tutor, and along with her sister Nicola they run Pixiwoo.com. I just LOVE their videos..!
Michelle Phan is a Vietnamese-American make-up guru who posts make-up and beauty tutorials on YT.
She is No. 2 most subscribed female on YouTube, and is known for her video style that incorporates her voice-over instruction with music and text subtitles. In 2010 Michelle was hired by Lancome.
Marlena Stell also known as Makeup Geek is the #23 all-time most suscribed Makeup Guru on YT. She has recently launched her own line of makeup products which are getting amazing reviews. Calls her fans MUGS meaning makeup geeks. Personally one of my favourite gurus.
Jenny also known from her channel From Head to Toe is a designer and a freelance makeup artist.
Petrilude is the Halloween king of Youtube.
Wayne Goss also known as Goss makeup artist is a British MUA that covers reviews, tutorials, advices, makeup essentials, you name it! Amazing as well!
MissChievous is a Swiss- Canadian self taught MUA that currently lives in Switzerland. Reviews, tutorials, notes, cooking recipes.. anything you need!
I left a few behind, but these are some of the best!
Do you follow anyone's channel?
Be well, and always smile! :)
kisses from:mystickland.blogspot.com
Eγώ είμαι πάρα πολύ με την Marlene αλλά όσα έχω βάλει τα αγαπώ, και δύσκολα μπορώ να διαλέξω!!
ΔιαγραφήΜου αρέσει πολύ η pixiwoo!!!!Είναι εκπληκτική!!!Φιλάκια!!!
Ζηλεύω την επιδερμίδα της! Λάμπει! Aν έχετε και σεις άλλους makeup guru πείτε! Φιλιά!!
ΔιαγραφήThanks για τις συμβουλες.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήFrom Paris with love!
Kristina recently posted.. Mac Hey, Sailor!.
H κάθε μια έχει τα μυστικά της, αλλά χωρίς την βοήθεια τους θα είχαμε ακόμη λιγότερες γνώσεις! Φιλιά! :)
ΔιαγραφήΣε ευχαριστώωω πολύ!! :D
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήFrom head to toe και Goss.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΠαλια εβλεπα και αλλους αλλα τους ψιλοβαρεθηκα.
Η Michelle Phan με εκνευριζει..
Miss Starshiny
Kαι μένα με εκνευρίζει αλλά πρέπει να παραδεχτώ ότι είναι καλη σε αυτό που κάνει. :/
ΔιαγραφήΝα έρθεις να μου τα δείξεις γυναικάρα!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΕπαγγελματία μου! Θυμάσαι το πράσινο μάτι που μου είχες φτιάξει?!